Temat: Anthology of the best versions Promt (2009/RUS/ENG)
...system tray (next to the watch) is not suspended icon EdLauncher'a. This icon can lead to the famous "failed to initialize core translation " startup Promt'a as an interpreter of the text.
PROMT Expert 8.0.297 Giant (Build, does not require activation)
PROMT for Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office 2000/2003/XP/2007
PROMT for Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer 5.x-7.x
PROMT for Mozilla Firefox
Mozilla Firefox 1.5/2.0
PROMT for OpenOffice
OpenOffice 2.x
PROMT for Acrobat
Adobe Acrobat 5.0-8.0
Description: The most powerful system for professional translation of documents. A complete set of expert-level settings make this product an indispensable solution for the transfer of the documents in an industrial scale.
The product integrates with professional-class system of Translation Memory SDL TRADOS 2007.
PROMT Expert 8 Giant...
Temat: Machine Translation Toolz 4.0 - Multilanguage
...tool enables the translation of text blocks not in the translation database, as well as the use of databases for dictionary creation Full-featured plug-ins for Microsoft Office 2000/XP/2003/2007 (including Microsoft Word, Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint and FrontPage) Integration with Microsoft Internet ExplorerĹ˝ 5.x -7.x and Mozilla Firefox 1.5/2.0 XML file translation using Microsoft Word plug-in Integration with Adobe Acrobat 5.0-8.0 Integration with ICQ PRO 2003/ICQ 5 Integration with OpenOffice 2.x Web options: Real-time translation of web pages directly in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x-7.x or Mozilla Firefox 1.5/2.0 Translation of search queries linked to most popular search engines. Customization options: Create and edit personal dictionaries for custom translation of specific words and phrases Reserve words that should not be translated Choose between alternative translations for...