Temat: Izrael a Palestyńczycy
...that it should be taken in the East. It was the stated policy of the Nazis to kill, deport, Germanise or enslave the Polish, and later also Russian and other Slavic populations, and to repopulate the land with reinrassig (racially pure) Germanic peoples. The entire urban population was to be exterminated by starvation, thus creating an agricultural surplus to feed Germany and allowing their replacement by a German upper class. Jak pojęcie Lebensraum definiuje duńska Wikipedia? Kod:Lebensraum (tysk for "udfoldelsesplads", "plads til at leve") var en af Adolf Hitlers mest grundlæggende ideer, og dermed en vigtig del af den nazistiske ideologi. Den udgjorde hovedrationalet bag Nazi-Tysklands voldsomme ekspansionspolitikker. Kernen i begrebet var en mytoman, romantisk ide om at det tyske folk var uløseligt knyttet sammen til jorden og landet, "Blut und...