They seem to make lots of good flash cms templates that has animation and sound.


Temat: SETTINGS ENIGMA 2 - Inne tu prosze......
Enigma2 UnityMedia Cable Settings by RDR auf einer DM 7025: -- Stand 18.04.09 -- Total Services 480 Bouquets: Favoriten Premiere ard (TV) ZDF (TV) Sport Info (History usw usew) Musik UnityMedia Erotik ausland (TV) Favorites (TV) Download

Temat: .:: ABC GBOX ::.
Instalacja cs2gbox: Nie nadaje sie dla uzytkownikow DM 7025, jeszcze nie ma wersji publik. Opis dla uzytkownikow z karta np. Polsat Serwer do ktorego sie bedziemy podlaczac, cwshare.cfg....M: { { 12345AAA }}......port UDP 2499 D: { { 2499 2555 { 1313ABCD { 5 5 }}}} D: { { 2499 2999 { ABCD1515 { A5 A5 }}}} Takie wpisy musi miec twoj kolega na serwerku, wiec ty uzywasz porty UDP 2555 i 2999...

Temat: Nowe drivery dla DM 7025
Nowe drivery dla DM 7025

Temat: Aktualizacjia kluczy
For Gemini 3.0 on DM 7025 is an update from the scripts needed Also for all Gemini 4.0 images Here the new versions for the new Gemini images Załączone pliki l  500_56x0_7000.tar.gz (247 bajtów) Ilość pobrań: 17 l l  600_7020_7025.tar.gz (239 bajtów) Ilość pobrań: 12 l

Temat: .:: PLUGINY DLA ENIGMY 2 ::.
...Timer Info Version 2.0 - toggle the Powerbutton between Standy and Deepstandby Version 1.0 - first version =============================================== Here comes the English Version of the Documentation ... =============================================== HOW-TO =============================================== Hello, hard-core fans of the Neutrino style remote control keys layout. With the Pauli Neutrino Keymap Plugin for the DM 7025/800 you can easily toggle in an Enigma2 image between the Enigma2 and the Neutrino style keys. You can also change lots of other small things like toggle the Standby with DeepStandby Funktion and you can disabel or enable the Record Timer Info Popup. Why Pauli ? Wolfgang Pauli was an Austrian physicist who discovered the Neutrino particle. Neutrino Keymap for the Remote control:...

Temat: Enigma dla Kathi
EVO dla sh4 , nie slyszalem :lol: Dwa tunery w kati??? to nowosc :lol: FAKE!!! Zdjecia napewno pochodza z DM 7025 ;) Narazie Adas

Temat: ..:: DM-7025s image ::..
...CHANNEL LIST UPDATE OPTION Automatically update the channel list after any provider retuning. New skin Nabilosat Black Cat by Army Army released a brand new skin for this new version of Black Hole. Great job Army Bootlogos New Bootlogos. By Army NOTE You can install this image to flash, without any further support. You can install this image to multiboot. In this case, Nabilosat Team reccomends Nabilosat Pure Flash 27DEC2008 installed to flash. Nabilosat DM 7025 Pure Flash dated 27 December 2008 is available here Enigma2 CVS date 26/12/2008 Drivers date 25/10/2008 OSD with Channel Number The OSD Info Bar will now display the channel list number. OSD with Orbital Position and Satellite Name The OSD Extra Info Bar will now display the Satellite name and orbital position Web Interface Button icons fixed. Now you know what to press on your remote control. Grabber The Grabber version is the latest available...

Temat: ..:: DM-7025s image ::..
...the Beta Testers Team ^^Corrado^^, Franzjuve, Willow, MaxZ4, DeepDiver, Credits E2 Sky Epg loader integration by MaxZ4. Army for the new Black Cat Plus skin Army for the new System Monitor Panel graphics. Many Thanks to lukkino (VDR-Italia) for opentv source code. This Images doesn't contain any keys nor softcams. Backups or other modified Images are not supported! WARNING. If you install it to multiboot, you must install the Nabilosat Pure Flash DM 7025 dated 23 February 2009. Download

settings DM-Peking08@likra8.8.2008 HDTV ch. given to single satellites. update orbit new! ROTOR 8 SAT 4 SAT dual feed 19e+13e for DM 7025-800PVR Załączone pliki l (501,4 KB) Ilość pobrań: 7 l

...4W: 1+1, MTV Dance, Real Estate TV tests, 8W: BBC Prime Europe, Blue FM, KabelKiosk info card, 12.5W: Nollywood TV, 15W: test card, 30W: MTV Dance, 11851 H, Bio Spain & Portugal, Canal de Programaçao, RTP Madeira, La Feria de Abril info card, RTPA Internacional, Cetelmon TV, Teletrebol, Cubo TV, Libertad Digital TV Occasional, INTERECONOMIA, COVIRAN, ST-HILO 1, ST-HILO 2, ST-HILO 3, RADIO MARIA, EMUGA RADIOFUSION, 45W: 11510 H, CCTV F, >>> DM 7025<<< >>>DM 500/56x0/70x0<<<

Temat: Dreambox 800
...sind jetzt unter Menß->Informationen) * Geräte-Manager ist noch Beta (Formatieren, Mounten und andere Funktionen) * Kernel-Modul-Menß jetzt ßber die Datei "/etc/init.d/gmodules" steuerbar. * HDTV-Logo in der Infobar * Zusammenfassung der HDTV-Sender in Kanalliste->Satelliten Fix + Update: * fuse, libupnp und ushare-9.8 auf ushare-1.0 * satellites.xml und loader * eMail-Checker * siehe CVS Gemini 3.60 dla DM 800 i DM 7025 beda publik w ten weekend. Narazie Adas

Temat: Dreambox 800
...findet man alle bekannte Anschlusse und daneben auch den nicht unwichtigen DVI Output und einen total sinnlosen Modemanschluss. Ich nehme an das diese nur drauf ist um sich 14% Zollkosten zu "ersparen". BeigefĂźgt ist ein DVI->HDMI Kabel (1,5 Meter) und ein SCART nach Composit Cinch und Audio L+R Cinch Convertor. Der erste Anfang: Die DM 800HD wurde mir geliefert mit der letzte VDEV Version von gestern. Das Booten dauert etwas kĂźrzer als bei der DM 7025, was immerhin noch best lange ist. Dies ist echter nur von Bedeutung beim ersten Starten, denn von Standby "erwacht" die DM 800HD innerhalb 1 bis 2 Sekunden. Das lange Booten ensteht durch OE 1.5 in Kombination mit Enigma 2, das mehr vom Prozessor abverlangt aber in Gegensatz zu Enigma 1 viele Vorteile hat. Um zu sehen was geschieht beim Ingebrachnahme einen solchen Receiver mache ich einen Factory Reset. Darauf fragt die DM 800HD ob ich...

dual feed 19e 13e and ROTOR for DM 7025 likra 7025 500 - 7020

Temat: Sterowniki dla glowic w DM 7025 i 7025+ Schlechtwetterbug(Dreambox hangs when signal is poor)
Nowe sterowniki dla DM 7025 i 7025+ Strerowniki sa dla glowic ktore robily problemy przy "zlej pogodzie" ich habe Treiber angehängt, mit dem das Problem nun hoffentlich endgĂźltig behoben ist. Wäre schĂśn wenn das mal nen paar Leute testen kĂśnnten und mir hier Feedback dazu geben. In English: i have attached new drivers which hopefully fixes this bug finally. Please test it and give me feedback here in the thread. Narazie Adas Załączone...

Temat: SETTINGS ENIGMA 2 - Inne tu prosze......
Multytenne Setting's fßr DM 7025/800 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Habe hier mal die Settings von TDA einwenig geändert und aktualisiert. Aufteilung siehe Screenshot. Stand 12.12.08 Im Anhang: Settings fßr die DM 800 inkl. HD angepasste Settings fßr die

Dreambox settings@likra 21.3.08 -------------------------------- set-DB 4SAT@likra21[1].3.08 set-DB 8SAT@likra21[1].3.08 set-DB dualSAT@likra21[1].3.08 set-DBROTOR-7025@likra21[1].3.08 set-DBROTOR@likra21[1].3.08 set-DM7025 4SAT@likra21[1].3.08 set- DM 7025 dualSAT@likra21[1].3.08

Temat: .:: Programy ::.
LowFAT_0.9.0b Zitat: ============================================================ == Low FAT by gutemine Version 0.9.0 from 24.10.2009 ============================================================ == Low FAT stands for Low Level automatic FAT Image extraction and Booting. The DM 7025 can boot from a CF Card and the DM 800 and DM 8000 can boot from an USB stick if these are formatted in FAT and the Bios is changed accordingly. Low FAT is a kind of mini root which allows you to format the needed device of your Box on a PC in FAT, extract the on the root of this newly formatted device and copy the choosen nfi image file also in the root of this device. Be carefrull, the LowFAT device hast to be 512MB or larger, or should have at least...

Temat: Dreambox 7025 GP 4.2 (Enigma 2) Stream dos not work
...Thank in advance for helping! --- Begin Plex.Log “Tuxbox Client” 21:59:00 T:2687489824 M:1584504832 ERROR: GetRootAndChildString - Default defined SubMenu : (4) Bouquets 21:59:00 T:2687489824 M:1583251456 ERROR: GetDirectory - Unable to parse xml 21:59:00 T:2687489824 M:1584484352 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting tuxbox:// -- End Plex.Log “Tuxbox Client” ---- Begin Plex.log "Plugin DM 7025" Dienstag, 26. Mai 2009 22:00 Uhr Europe/Vienna 22:00:36 T:2687489824 M:1579229184 WARNING: CreateFile, error 2 opening file </tmp/plex/>, flags:4, mode:124. 22:00:36 T:2687489824 M:1579266048 ERROR: Unable to find host: video 22:00:36 T:2961584128 M:1580019712 ERROR: Unable to find host: video 22:00:44 T:2687489824 M:1578852352 WARNING: CreateFile, error 2 opening file </tmp/plex/>,...

Temat: ..:: DM-7025s image ::..
NewNigma² Version2.4 DM7025 Basics: * Enigma2 2.6 status 2009-09-20 * Enigma2 Plugins 2.6 status 2009-09-20 * NewNigma² Plugins status 2009-09-20 DM 7025+ * drivers status 2009-02-06 * secondstage 61 Changelogs: 7025/800/8000 openembedded update * udev *enhanced external device handling (usb)* * gstreamer update * kernel *because of implementing new secondstage and new drivers, there's now more memory available 7025/800/8000 NewNigma² plugin fixes * language adjustments * USBmanger * better handling because of udev* * some corrections at emu restart handling *...

Temat: ..:: DM-7025s image ::..
...this version 0.5 ? Enigma2 Version 2.6 experimental This version of Nabilosat Black Hole is using the experimental version 2.6 of Enigma2. The image is very fast, reliable. Zap speed is even better than ever NOTE You can install this image to flash, without any further support. You can install this image to multiboot. In this case, you must have an updated image installed to flash. Else, many new features will not work properly. Nabilosat team reccomends the Nabilosat DM 7025 Pure Flash, available here. You can install to flash also any other images, with a CVS dated end of November 2008. Enigma2 CVS date 09/12/2008 New skin Black Cat by Army Army released a brand new skin for this new version of Black Hole Enigma2 Integrated Sky IT EPG Updated Sky EPG IT, including full titles for 8 days. By MaxZ4 OSD with Channel Number The OSD Info Bar will now display the channel list number. OSD with Orbital Position and Satellite Name...

Temat: .:: PLUGINY DLA ENIGMY 1 ::.
...Eingabe des Datums und der Uhrzeit default Timer action deepstandby ========================= standarmäßig steht im Timer was nach der Aufnahme gemacht werden soll eben: nichts tun... hier kann man auf deepstandby wechseln Standby on boot =============== schaltet euer Receiver am AV Signal eine Schaltspannung dann kann man das hiermit umgehen. ================================================== ====== Viel Spass mit der Pauli auf Deiner DM 7025 oder DM 800! ================================================== ====== ================================================== ====== Here comes the English Version of the Documentation ... ================================================== ====== HOW-TO ================================================== ====== Hello hard-core fans of the Neutrino style Remote control keys style. With the Pauli Neutrino...

Temat: ..:: DM-7025s image ::..
...Barry Allen 4.6.38 included TARGET_ARCH = "mipsel" TARGET_OS = "linux" MACHINE = "dm7025" DISTRO = "opendreambox" DISTRO_VERSION = "1.5.0" TARGET_FPU = "soft" COMPILED DATE = "10 december 2008" ENIGMA2_CVS_DATE = "10 december 2008" ENIGMA2_VERSION = "2.6 experimental" BARRY_ALLEN_VERSION = "4.6.36" Instructions 1) Flash your DM 7025 with Web Interface or DreamUp and serial cable 2) Complete the Default Wizard to setup the basic steps 3) Upon Wizard completion, you will be prompted to press OK to install Barry Allen 4) Press OK once, and wait for the Wizard to install Barry Allen 5) When Barry Allen is updated, the Default Wizard will be completed. 6) Reboot your Dreambox Barry Allen will have been updated. You will find your previous images listed, choose your favorite as always....

Temat: ..:: Emulatory ::..
mgcamd 1.25 tps au fix D+, polsat limited au support I w formie addon-a: ndplus addon mgcamd v125 Welcome to Neutrino.DREAM Mgcamd v1.25 updater! Based on pure original mgcamd v1.25. Addons for Nokia dbox2 Neutrino.DREAM Plus v2.03beta3, dreambox dm-7025 Neutrino.DREAM Plus v0.02, dreambox dm-7020/7000/500/56x0 Neutrino.DREAM Plus v2.03. -=Da Vodka=- ndplus_addon_mgcamdv125

Temat: .:: PLUGINY DLA ENIGMY 2 ::.
Im Anhang die aktuallisierte Version mit dank an Darkvolli fßr die aktuallisierung. Zuvor lief das Plugin nicht mehr mit dem aktuellen cvs stand. Ipkg hat bei mir probleme gemacht, deswegen auch das *.tar.gz ~~~~~~~~~~Box 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dreambox DM 7025+SS mit OOZOON CVS Samsung 160gb HD ORF-Digital Karte USB: Sandisk 256mb USB-STICK USB-HUB, Printserver ~~~~~~~~~~Box 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dreambox DM 7020S mit +Merlin\Wizard of Dream+ ASTRA 19,2° OST, Hotbird 13° OST Smartmouse Phoenix Programmer CAS3+/Diablo Cam ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [url=""]MerlinBrowser.tar[/url]...

Temat: ..:: DM-7025s image ::..
...16 January 2009 Second Stage #61 Plugins Date 16 January 2009 Plugins will be available for download from the Addons Panel. Many thanks to our BIG brother franzjuve for packing them NOTE You can install this image to flash, without any further support. You can install this image to multiboot. In this case, you must have the Nabilosat Pure Flash 17JAN2009 installed to flash. This is necessary because the flash image must include the second stage #70 Nabilosat DM 7025 Pure Flash dated 17 January 2009 is available here Main Function Keys Button 1xOK = Light Info Skin Button 2xOK = Extra Info Skin Button Blue = Nabilo Blue Panel Button Blue-Long-Push = Extensions Button Green = Nabilo Green Panel Button Green-Long-Push = Subservices Button Red = Start Record Button Yellow = Time Shift Addons Dedicated Addons Server Download and install additional packages from Nabilosat server Infobar/OSD Enigma2...

Temat: .:: PLUGINY DLA ENIGMY 1 ::.
Plugin ipRec: Internet-Fernprogrammierung/Internet remote recording Ăźber tvtv.xx,, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, the english description of the plugin follows after the german. Plugin ipRec: Internet-Fernprogrammierung Ăźber www.tvtv.xx,, Mit diesem Plugin kann man die DM 7025 Ăźber,, fernprogrammieren. Funktionsweise des ipRec-Plugins Der ipRec-Service stellt in regelmäßigen Abständen eine Verbindung zum gewählten Server her und synchronisiert dabei die Aufnahmen aus der Merkliste mit den Aufnahmen der Dreambox. Dabei unterstĂźtzt ipRec die folgenden drei Anbieter: tvtv.xx - GebĂźhrenpflichtig (Ein gĂźltiges Abo fĂźr Linux-PVR Preis: 19,80 € pro...

Temat: DM 7025+
DM 7025 nie bedzie wiecej produkowany, aktualny model

Temat: .:: Programy ::.
...on DM800/DM8000 bootlogo.mvi bootlogo_wait.mvi (only on first load without settings!!) backdrop.mvi Elinas of Alba Version Infos 16.09.2008 Added fix to change radio.mvi in newnigma2 image. 26.08.2008 Fixed save bug of OSD-Capture Changed timing of download Some cosmetic things 25.08.2008 Added button to upload radio.mvi and switchoff.mvi 23.08.2008 All paths are saved after closing, DM 7025 capture added, reboot no longer is a must. Enigma2TOOL

Settings DREAMBOX@likra 20.12.08 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- last settings this year new HD ch. on Turksat, Hot Bird(SKY I.)Thor,HISPASAT update fav. on Turksat,Sirius,Thor Sky Italy add new ch.! update for Dreambox 800-8000HD ROTOR -80E-45W 8 SAT - 30W 1W 5E 7E 13E 19E 23E 28E 4 SAT - 13E 19E 23E 28E 3 SAT - 13E 19E 23E DUAL - 13E 19E update for DM 7025 ROTOR -80E-45W 8 SAT - 30W 1W 5E 7E 13E 19E 23E 28E update for DREAMBOX 500-7020 ROTOR -80E-45W 8 SAT - 30W 1W 5E 7E 13E 19E 23E 28E 4 SAT - 13E 19E 23E 28E set-pack_SAT@likra20.12.08

Temat: .:: PLUGINY DLA ENIGMY 2 ::.
DM 7025/800/8000 Tłumaczenie: niemiecki » polski Aubau fantastyczne menu na E2 przez 28.08.208 Dzięki dobrej Mine NOWY MOD przez Klinsi W Enigma2 wtyczki rozszerzeń-dw-menu-fantastic_0.1.2 zainstalować informacji zawartych w pliku. Menu zawartości Haubt menu DW Keyupdater menu DW menu Aktualizacja do / tmp i on-line DW dodatku serwer online Ponownie menu zainstalować menu. tar.gz / i IPK. tar.bz2 Disc Menu W menu można...

Temat: TV Sat
...- nie wiem, ile chcesz przeznaczyć za dekoder, ale przy cenie rzędu 1500-1700 zł (nazwijmy to średniowyższą półką) szukałbym czegoś z półki Ferguson / Dreambox / Humax i chyba jednak z naciskiem na ten ostatni. Dużo dobrego można było usłyszeć o modelu ICORD 160 GB. W podobnej cenie i porównywalnej jakości są Fergusony, np. Ariva TT HDD 250 GB PVR. Nieco wyższa cenowo (i jakościowo mimo wszystko) półka to rzeczone Dreamboxy, chociażby model DM 7025 Plus. @pescar - przy Twoich propozycjach cenowych zdecydowanie szukałbym w Fergusonach. Propozycji jest sporo, np.: DF-9000PVR 80 GB (do kupienia za ok. 500-600 zł spokojnie) albo coś z HD, czyli HF-8800 HD.

Temat: .:: Emu DM Enigma1::.
DCCamd 1.1-r4 for DM 7025/800/8000

Temat: ..:: DM-7025s image ::..
...For multiboot use, Oozoon images are recommended as your choiche for flash image. This image does not contain any **** or softcams inside. HOW TO SETUP NFS SERVER Test Nfs server is easy if you have more than one dreambox in your home. As for example: if you have another dream in your home with nfs you can easly use as a client to connect to your 7025 and mount its hd. You can follow this procedure. We wil suppose that you have this configuration in your net: First dreambox: DM 7025 with Black Hole RC10 ip: Second dremabox: ip: 1) Go to the Black Hole bluepanel->Settings->Nfs Panel 2) Change the ip of the client to 3) Enable Nfs server 4) Start Nfs Server from panel 5) From your Pc telnet to your second dremabox (your client) and type this command: mount /media/net Now you will have the 7025 hdd mount on the /media/net dir of your client. (P.s. If your...

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